Are you looking for a chicken substitute?
  • December 23, 2023 8:27 am
  • Indiana

Vezlayhas brought chicken substitutes exactly in the taste of chicken which is like Vezlay Veg Chicken, Vezlay Veg Meat, and more foods of Vezlay which gives you the taste of chicken in veg food. These products of Vezlay are plant-based, no dairy items are used in the products and these products give a new taste to your daily routine. No harmful acids of any kind have been used in products. These products are rich in proteins and vitamins which help in keeping your health healthy. Using these products will give a new taste to your daily food. Catchy Court loves animals and avoids eating them. I have been using Vezlay products for a very long time. I also recommend you can also try these amazing and delicious products. For more information visit catchy court.


  • Food Type : Vegetable


496, Munshi Ram Market, Opp. ICICI Bank, Najafgarh Road, Nangloi- 110041,110041,Indiana

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